(Postmortem) Working on "Bleeding Canvas"

Hi everyone! I am back with another game release after Dealbreaker was released in May of 2022. Wow! Almost an entire year! Where was I? Well, to be honest, Bleeding Canvas wasn't a planned game with months of thought put into it. I just decided to challenge myself by making a visual novel-esque game in an engine not typically used to do so. Inspired by games like John Doe and MISSING, I reopened VX Ace again. 

For the past year, I was working on development for a seperate game to be published in late March under Hermit's House, my indie game development group, but when I finalized a demo of the game I realized I hated it and wanted to restart, so I started development on this game to try to get something out there to make up for the loss. 

Bleeding Canvas was also supposed to be called First Base, with a totally different, but still horror-like plot, but when I got Mikey's design back I was just like "He looks like he majors in art history" and kinda snowballed into what we now have from there.

I'm super thankful for Edenbu who did all the sprite art and Crxztal who did the cover art and the art of Mikey attached to this post!

Overall, I'm really happy with how Bleeding Canvas turned out, despite a bit of confusion at the start. I might still make First Base, but don't expect me to start it anytime soon, lmao.

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May I please get a walkthrough?