You died. Wonderful! 

While you're in-between planes of existence, your omnipotent Ex-Girlfriend has taken it upon herself to decide whether you get to go to paradise... or to not-paradise! Let's just hope she forgives you for breaking up with her...

There is one technical ending with flavor choices.

TW/CW: Moving images, static noise, mentions of death

Sprite art by Panque-Chan (Can be found on
Music (White noise??) by MC^2 Method

Link to Kori's Toyhouse

Updated 13 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux, Android, HTML5
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(14 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Made withTyranoBuilder
TagsAtmospheric, Comedy, Dark, Horror, Indie, Kinetic Novel, One-shot, Short, storygame
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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Interesting game; I definitely judged Kori too harshly early game; we certainly deserved the fate we got. The whole omnipotent girlfriend made me think of the movie 'My Super Ex-Girlfriend', which probably made me assume Kori was a bit unhinged at the start of the game.

Good job on this jam game! 


MEEKA!! youre back omg, thank you for playing another one of my games!!


Oh god, now I'm imagining how all MY exes would judge me if they had control over my immortal soul
I feel like I'm still a little confused by the premise--like why she in particular is judging him. Did he just...happen to be dating the judge of the underworld?


Hey! I played the game yesterday and needed time to organise my thoughts because I was like: "Okay... what am I supposed to feel?"

So, I enjoyed the take of the "ex-girlfriend" trope. Like, we all think of "crazy ex-girlfriend" and, standing in MC's shoes, we first start thinking that she wants to murder us before she reveals being a judge for heaven or hell and that we're already dead. I felt the horror (that you really set with the mood, which isn't an easy thing to do, so congrats), but also was quite amused at the ending, I was literally saying "IN YOUR FACE" to the MC frvgtrf

I also loved what you did with the fog, it really helped setting the atmosphere! Congrats on releasing this game!!


Thank you ðŸ˜­

Ahhhhh this was really great?? What a unique situation to end up in LOL I admit, I was confused and angry until the end when Kori explained what really happened. After that I realized what a jerk "I" actually am... (though not really sure that meant I deserved to die............. though it was apparently our own fault anything that it happened...... LOL)

I love how much you were able to pack into this with just the short number of lines you have. Not only from the way they talk to each other, but also the gradual reveal, the well-placed little snippets of new info. It kept things quite intriguing up until the (and our) inevitable end lkadjfads Can hazard a guess where we're going after this...... ðŸ˜…💦

Really nice use of the jam limitations, too! Loved the stark, isolating clouds, made doubly surreal by only having that ambient white noise playing in our ears the whole time. And Kori's sprite was very cute (and deceptive lakdjfads). All in all quite the little experience to go through (both as the reader and as the poor unfortunate soul that is the MC). Really enjoyed this and felt like it took me for a trip!! LOL Also I feel like there's a ton more going on here beneath the surface, which just makes me that much more intrigued and wanting to know more...

OH, that's a lot!! Thank you for your kind words!


Honestly if my crazy ex was chasing me and I was in a car I would just go full reverse.



I hope that Kori enjoys her slushie...

And this was a nice VN! For such a short story, you managed to pack a lot of info into it. The use of the static SFX and the rolling fog were also very effective!