When will Day 1 Release? WHERE IS DAKOTA?

Hi! As I have updated everyone on twitter, I will update everyone on here as well o7
I had gone on hiatus and thus First Base went down with me </3 I am truly sorry to keep all of you waiting, life caught up with me and I got too busy to give any attention to online things or gamedev. 

BUT GOOD NEWS! I am back and SO IS FIRST BASE!!! Please expect Day 1 to be ready to play soon (*one month or less) First base in its entirety should be finished by the end of this year. I cannot provide concise deadlines as it will burn me & my team out but First Base is my number one priority to finish. I am very grateful to all the fans of First Base and I appreciate all the attention & love Dakota got! I find it hard to put my personal thoughts and feelings into words here (thankfully my VN writing is rather OK) but I really do appreciate all the youtube videos, tiktoks, and fan art First Base has gotten. I like every single one and I tend to leave comments under them as well! They are all very motivating <3
P.S. If you find my personal account through tiktok likes, nooo you didn't....


Get First Base | DAY 2


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OMG I'm excited to see it through! ^^




I so excited right now love the game so far.


Yay im so excited for Day 1. Im sure it will be awesome