Day 2 is released! A LOT earlier than expected as well!! I wanted to get it out there at least a week or two before I published my next (COMPLETE UPON RELEASE LOL) VN for NaNoRenO! The schedule I posted on my socials still remains though, so hopefully the early release will make up for the month break from FB in April </3 

Due to an overlook on my behalf, when the end segments of First Base are uploaded later this year, you will likely have to run through the game again as we hadn't fully integrated the variables. You will be able to skip all seen text, so hopefully, that lessens the inconvenience. 

I don't have much else to say so... Thank you for supporting First Base!

Get First Base | DAY 2


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Woop woooooop. Im gonna play this on my break T-T


Woooooo, congrats!!! I can't wait to play!!


I just played Day 1 a couple of days ago, what timing 🫶 keep up the good work !